Ready to transform your body & life?
Join me for 12 Weeks, to Totally Transform Your Body and Your Life!

Claim your RISK FREE 14-Day Trial of the 12-Week Total Transformation Experience for ONLY $1

Risk Free, 14-Day Trial for Just $1
Total Today
Total Billed after 14 Days:
$196.00 USD
Regular Price
70% Discount | $303.00 in Savings
You will only be charged $1 for your 14-day trial
*Your 14-day trial will last until
You can cancel anytime before then and will not be charged the full program amount. No questions asked, no small print. If you decide The Gabriel Method is right for you, you will be charged one payment of $196.00 for the remaining 10 weeks of the program after your trial expires.
We will automatically charge your card so you don't lose access to your account. To cancel, simply write to us at help@thegabrielmethod.com
No commitment - cancel any time - 14-day trial for $1

100% LIFETIME Money Back Guarantee
Like everything at the Gabriel Method, this program is 100% Guaranteed, so if for any reason (or no reason at all) you are unhappy, you can cancel and refund in full simply by sending an email to our extermely helpful support team. No hassles, nothing to return, no catch. Your success is our success. It's that simple.
About The 12-Week Total Transformation Experience
"9 months in, almost 80lbs. down..."

"I am just loving this program..."

"So grateful to be here!..."

"I am loving this journey..."

"no junk food cravings..."

Hi my name is Jon Gabriel author and creator of The Gabriel Method and I’m excited to announce my 12-Week Total Transformation Experience.
The purpose of this class is to work with you step-by-step to help you solve your weight loss issue once and for all…
and to help you transform your body into a body that wants to be thin, fit and vibrantly healthy
You may have also seen me in These 6 Documentary films…
I’m not talking about going on a diet, or a meal plan, or a program, or counting calorier or cutting out all carbs or cutting out all fats, or crazy exercise routines. We’ve all done that before…and unfortunately it just doesn’t work in the long term.
I’m talking about transforming yourself from the inside out, on a cellular level, to get your body to actually want to be thin. Because when your body wants to be thin you lose weight easily and naturally and most importantly you keep it off.
I know this from first hand experience.
Back in 2004 I lost over 220 pounds…without restrictive dieting and without extreme exercise and I’ve been the same weight since.

These are actual untouched before and after images of my weight loss transformation…
As you may know I’ve written a book about how I lost the weight called The Gabriel Method… and The Gabriel Method is an international best seller that’s been translated into 16 languages and in 60 countries. I have also written 3 other best-selling books.

Tapping For Weight Loss

FMTV Series: A Day in the Life of Jon

Feeding Obesity

Hungry For Change

Super Juice Me

The Abundance Code
And I have traveled the world giving talks, lectures and retreats to tens of thousands of people..

So not only have I been able to transform my own body, I’ve now helped hundreds of thousands of
people around the world do the same.
I even helped my brother Joe lose over 200 pounds as you can see here from these amazing before and after pics…

And Dave Stead who lost 175 pounds 5 years ago and looks better now than he did then…

And Tiffany Nightingale a single mother of 5 who lost 85 over 7 years ago and is now a Gabriel method coach…

And Christine Kennedy a mother of 11, that’s right 11 children, that lost over 100 pounds

I’ve worked with men and women of all ages with dramatic and in some cases unbelievable results…
And my approach has always been the same with everyone I work with and that is…Helping them transform their body into a body that actually wants to be thin.
And that’s the biggest difference between the approach I’m offering you right now and everything else out there.
Everyone is so focused on restriction, counting calories, behavior modification…
But what if you could actually get your body to want to be thin?
Imagine that for a moment.
- Because if your body wants to be thin…
- you’re not on a program anymore..
- you’re not disciplining yourself…
- you’re not having “good days and bad days” anymore…
- You start craving healthier foods…
- You crave less food.
In fact the number one “complaint” I get from people I work with is they say “I don’t know what’s wrong with me, I’m just not that hungry anymore…”
And I say, ‘there is nothing wrong with you, your body simply now wants to be thin’.
- It’s the same process I used to lose over 220 pounds back in 2004 and keep it off ever since and the same process I’ve used to help people around the world and I’ve been perfecting the process ever since.
- This program, The Gabriel method 12-Week Total Transformation Experience is the sum total of my own experience and years of research, writing, teaching, coaching and training.
- This is a step-by-step, weekly class designed to help you address and eliminate every conceivable trigger that may be causing your body to hold onto weight.
And you can join for just $1
Special Offer

Claim your RISK FREE 14-Day Trial of the 12-Week Total Transformation Experience for ONLY $1

Risk Free, 14-Day Trial for Just $1
Total Today
Total Billed after 14 Days:
$196.00 USD
Regular Price
70% Discount | $303.00 in Savings
No commitment - cancel any time14-day trial for $1

100% LIFETIME Money Back Guarantee
Like everything at the Gabriel Method, this program is 100% Guaranteed, so if for any reason (or no reason at all) you are unhappy, you can cancel and refund in full simply by sending an email to our extermely helpful support team. No hassles, nothing to return, no catch. Your success is our success. It's that simple.
You see most people don’t realize it, but there’s much more to permanent sustainable weight loss than just counting calories.
In fact, the whole dieting paradigm is flawed. Dieting creates a famine or scarcity mode in your body and that actually makes your body want to be fatter.
You may lose some weight in the short term, but then certain subtle hormonal changes take place in your body that make you insatiable hungry, slow your metabolism down and cause you to crave more fattening foods.
Then you start fighting cravings day and night.
Eventually ( if you’re anything like me) you can’t take it anymore and you have a big binge and gain all the weight back plus more.
That was my experience with dieting and you may have experienced this too.
That’s why studies show that most people that go on a diet are heavier 5 years later than when they started the diet.

Why should this be if dieting worked?
- If dieting worked there’d be one diet, everyone would go on it, everyone would lose weight and that would be the end of it.
- But that’s not the case as you know.
- No the whole dieting paradigm is flawed.

What you need to understand is that there are reasons why we gain weight and it’s not just about food.
Many different factors can cause you to gain weight, such as:
- stress
- emotional issues
- digestive problems
- toxins
- poor sleep
- nutritional deficiencies
- dehydration
…just to name a few
Each of these issues act like triggers that cause your body to hold onto weight.
What you need to do is address and eliminate each of these issues, and when you do, your body lets go of the weight easily and naturally and most importantly.

You need to devise an approach that systematically, step-by-step addresses and eliminates each and every fat trigger, one by one and that’s what The Gabriel Method 12-Week Total Transformation Experience is all about!
And the process can be very easy…

In The Gabriel Method 12-Week Total Transformation Experience we’ll focus on a different fat trigger each week.
Again, I’m not talking about dieting or restriction.
- I may ask you add healthier food for the sake of nourishing your body better or healing your digestion or cleaning your liver, but that’s just adding, not replacing.
- If you want to continue to eat other foods that you know are bad for you that’s fine.
- Eventually, the healthier you get the more your body will crave those healthier foods and the less it will crave the junk foods.
That’s transformation from the inside out and that’s what this program is all about.
Also this is a mind-body holistic approach. So we’ll always start by addressing the mind, because the mind controls the body.
Week by week, you’ll find yourself feeling more calm and centered, craving healthier foods, having more energy to be active and to enjoy your life and creating positive habits that will last a lifetime…
It’s simple, it’s powerful and it’s works.
So if you’re ready to get started, it’s just $1.
Just click the link below, and I’ll see you on the other side…
Special Offer

Claim your RISK FREE 14-Day Trial of the 12-Week Total Transformation Experience for ONLY $1

Risk Free, 14-Day Trial for Just $1
Total Today
Total Billed after 14 Days:
$196.00 USD
Regular Price
70% Discount | $303.00 in Savings
No commitment - cancel any time14-day trial for $1

100% LIFETIME Money Back Guarantee
Like everything at the Gabriel Method, this program is 100% Guaranteed, so if for any reason (or no reason at all) you are unhappy, you can cancel and refund in full simply by sending an email to our extermely helpful support team. No hassles, nothing to return, no catch. Your success is our success. It's that simple.
The Gabriel Method 12-Week Total Transformation Experience is a step-by-step approach to solving your weight issues once and for all – WITHOUT DIETING!!!
Designed with simple action steps and weekly classes to address and eliminate every conceivable fat trigger, plus give you all the support you need during your journey!
12 Weekly Fun Inspirational Classes – these are the kind of classes you’ll look forward to each week.

We Focus On A New FAT Trigger Each Week
Each class focuses on a specific FAT trigger and details exactly what to do to make your body need to be thin instead of being tricked into being fat (knowing these FAT triggers will change everything for you).

You’ll Shift “Your Body’s Set Point
You’ll also discover what your “set-point” is, and how to shift your set point so your body loses weight easily and naturally and keeps it off.

New Class Each Week
Once a week for the next 12 weeks you’ll get a new class. Once a class is released you can download it and listen to it whenever you want from the comfort of your home.

Lifetime Access
You get access to these classes for LIFE! You can go at whatever pace works best for you, take a break if needed, and go back to them anytime.

You’ll Be Supported The Entire Time
As soon as you join, you’ll be invited into our private online community. Where you’ll meet other wonderful, like-minded people who are also ready to transform their lives, just like you!

Live Group Coaching With Our Gabriel Method Expert Coaches
Each week my Gabriel Method Expert Coaches host live Group coaching sessions via our private Facebook group.
In addition, you get simple daily action steps you can choose to follow to address each and every possible fat trigger, so your body can let go of weight quickly and easily.
- Because these simple action steps are designed to heal you at every level…
- You’ll not only lose weight but you’ll also start to have more energy and vitality, feel calmer and more centered, be more present and connected and feel amazing mentally and physically.
Just like breathing, as soon as you get in the routine of using these action steps, you’ll never have to think about them again as you enjoy newfound health, vitality, energy and permanent, sustainable weight loss!
Also to help make the process so much easier I’m also going to give you some amazing bonuses. These are some of the best programs I’ve created over the years to help support you in the process, such as…
BONUS #1: 12 Weeks Access to The Gabriel Method Support Group

- Speak with me live in my Ask Jon Call in show
- Participate in live weekly group coaching session with our Gabriel method coaches. Instant access to hundreds of amazing super delicious recipes
- Join our private FB group where you can get ask questions 24 hours a day and get answers from me, our coaches, our support staff and success stories. Connect with people all over the world that will help support you and inspire you.
Value: $120 USD FREE w/Registration
BONUS #2: The Gabriel Method Super Delicious / Super Nutritious e-Recipe Book

In this special Gabriel Method Recipe Book, you’ll get hundreds of delicious, easy & QUICK mouthwatering breakfast, lunches, dinner, snacks and desserts that are all designed to nourish your body and turn off the FAT programs and they taste great.
In fact, I’ve been told that many of them are “out of this world”. Even “Foodies” LOVE this book.
You’ll get amazing healthy recipes for things like… chocolate mousse, pizzas, curries, lasagnas.
And they’re ALL super DELICIOUS and super NUTRITIOUS.
Value: $49 USD FREE w/Registration
BONUS #3:The Gabriel Method Detox Program

Learn how to start cleansing your body and living a detoxification lifestyle with The Gabriel Method detox program.
This is an extremely simple and gentle approach to helping your body eliminate toxins. As your body lets go of toxins, the weight starts to melt off.
Value: $297 USD FREE w/Registration
- You don’t have to use them if you don’t want to. It’s up to you.
- I just want to give you everything I can to help you be as successful as possible.
- It’s information you can’t find anywhere else and it’s all yours FREE as part of the 12-Week Total Transformation Experience.
BONUS #4: The Gabriel Method Fitness Program

The Gabriel Method ‘less is more’ fitness approach will show you how to get your body to activate the “get thin or get eaten” adaptation with just a few minutes of exercise a few times a week. No more long, boring cardio, this is about working with your body’s survival programs to get your body to want to let go of weight.
Value: $89 USD FREE w/Registration
BONUS #5: The Gabriel Method Immersion Course

This is a one day event Jon filmed at his house with four participants. Watch Jon work one-on-one with each one to help.
Get started asap with this powerful coaching program.
- Discover the Gabriel method principles quickly and easily with this 4 part video series in this relaxed coaching environment.
- Discover how to identify your fat triggers as you watch these coaching sessions.
- It’s like spending an afternoon with me from the comfort of your own how.
- Includes 4 videos classes and 5 one-on-one coaching sessions.
- This is one of the smallest and most intimate gatherings I’ve ever had, and it provides a total immersion into everything we’ve discussed today.
Value: $219 USD FREE w/Registration
BONUS #6: The Start Your Transformation One-Day Seminar (digital version)

A sold-out one day seminar for 500 people filmed in high definition.
Value: $197 USD FREE w/Registration
BONUS #7: The Mind-Body Weight Loss Summit

Experience cutting edge strategies for healing your body and mind with The Mind Body Weight Loss Summit.
Value: $297 USD FREE w/Registration
BONUS #8: Tapping For Weight Loss

So that you can start working through emotional issues and reducing stress, quickly and easily, I’m also going to give you instant access Tapping for weight loss program.
Value: $297 USD FREE w/Registration
BONUS #9: The New You in The New Year

This is one of my most comprehensive events with weekly classes and guest expert teachers that help walk you step-by-step through the process of transforming your body. Yours for life as an added bonus to help give you everything you need to be successful.
Value: $499 USD FREE w/Registration
- Again, these bonuses are here to support you on your journey.
- You don’t have to use them if you don’t want to. It’s up to you.
- I just want to give you everything I can to help you be as successful as possible.
- It’s information you can’t find anywhere else and it’s all yours FREE as part of the 12-Week Total Transformation Experience.
Total Value of all bonuses! $1856 USD
Yours FREE for joining The Gabriel Method 12-Week Total Transformation Experience!
Wow! The bonus features in the 12 week transformation program are POWER PACKED! The videos, discussions, recipes, essays, fitness activities…. All of it ….INVALUABLE
And NONE of it is out of reach….
Michael Gillian Maxwell Previous 12-Week Total Transformation Participant

- When you join today, do so with complete peace of mind with my 100% lifetime money back guarantee.
- If you’re not completely satisfied just contact support and you can ask for a full refund for any reason at any time.
- The reason I can do this? So few people ever ask for refund because I am in the business of creating extreme value and support
Special Offer

Claim your RISK FREE 14-Day Trial of the 12-Week Total Transformation Experience for ONLY $1

Risk Free, 14-Day Trial for Just $1
Total Today
Total Billed after 14 Days:
$196.00 USD
Regular Price
70% Discount | $303.00 in Savings
No commitment - cancel any time14-day trial for $1

100% LIFETIME Money Back Guarantee
Like everything at the Gabriel Method, this program is 100% Guaranteed, so if for any reason (or no reason at all) you are unhappy, you can cancel and refund in full simply by sending an email to our extermely helpful support team. No hassles, nothing to return, no catch. Your success is our success. It's that simple.
"A revolutionary paradigm shift..."

"I feel so energized it's crazy......"

"10 dress sizes smaller, very near my perfect ideal weight......"

"I have released 73 pounds from my body..."

"Down 115...never thought it was possible......"

"I am LOVING it..."

Total Value of all bonuses! $1856 USD
Yours FREE for joining The Gabriel Method 12-Week Total Transformation Experience!
Get Started Now

Special Offer

Claim your RISK FREE 14-Day Trial of the 12-Week Total Transformation Experience for ONLY $1

Risk Free, 14-Day Trial for Just $1
Total Today
Total Billed after 14 Days:
$196.00 USD
Regular Price
70% Discount | $303.00 in Savings
No commitment - cancel any time14-day trial for $1

100% LIFETIME Money Back Guarantee
Like everything at the Gabriel Method, this program is 100% Guaranteed, so if for any reason (or no reason at all) you are unhappy, you can cancel and refund in full simply by sending an email to our extermely helpful support team. No hassles, nothing to return, no catch. Your success is our success. It's that simple.
"lost about 88lbs (40 kgs) so far and gained an amazing life..."

"loving all the resources offered..."

"This stuff really works!!"

"loving the programme so much..."

"This has been such a positive experience..."

"I'm really grateful for this program and all the wonderful things we are learning..."

"The weight does just melt away..."

"Lost 20 in 5 months..."

"45 kgs (100 pounds) since I started..."

"Huge complements on my weight today..."

"Lost wt and kept it off...No cravings for meaningless food..."

"Never before has a program kept my interest this long..."

"Weight ls hasn't even been the greatest benefit of this program..."

"very effortless..."

"it does work and I've tried everything else..."

"it works..."


"losing weight and loving the program so much..."

Special Offer

Claim your RISK FREE 14-Day Trial of the 12-Week Total Transformation Experience for ONLY $1

Risk Free, 14-Day Trial for Just $1
Total Today
Total Billed after 14 Days:
$196.00 USD
Regular Price
70% Discount | $303.00 in Savings
No commitment - cancel any time14-day trial for $1

100% LIFETIME Money Back Guarantee
Like everything at the Gabriel Method, this program is 100% Guaranteed, so if for any reason (or no reason at all) you are unhappy, you can cancel and refund in full simply by sending an email to our extermely helpful support team. No hassles, nothing to return, no catch. Your success is our success. It's that simple.
"My wedding rings fits..."

"I am loving all the information..."

"6lbs down..."

"things happend when you least expect it AND when you stop dieting..."


"My weight is now the lowest it has been in a long time..."

"the most complete and rich tool that my life has put on my way to here..."

"I feel terefic following this program!!!"

"I am so grateful..."

"radiant, happy, in love..."

"my relationship with food is totally different..."

Special Offer

Claim your RISK FREE 14-Day Trial of the 12-Week Total Transformation Experience for ONLY $1

Risk Free, 14-Day Trial for Just $1
Total Today
Total Billed after 14 Days:
$196.00 USD
Regular Price
70% Discount | $303.00 in Savings
No commitment - cancel any time14-day trial for $1

100% LIFETIME Money Back Guarantee
Like everything at the Gabriel Method, this program is 100% Guaranteed, so if for any reason (or no reason at all) you are unhappy, you can cancel and refund in full simply by sending an email to our extermely helpful support team. No hassles, nothing to return, no catch. Your success is our success. It's that simple.